Hotel Booking Demand EDA

For this EDA project, I will use the “Hotel booking demand” dataset, which can be found here

This data set contains booking information for a city hotel and a resort hotel, and includes information such as when the booking was made, length of stay, the number of adults, children, and/or babies, and the number of available parking spaces, among other things.

All personally identifying information has been removed from the data.

The data is originally from the article Hotel Booking Demand Datasets, written by Nuno Antonio, Ana Almeida, and Luis Nunes for Data in Brief, Volume 22, February 2019.

The data was downloaded and cleaned by Thomas Mock and Antoine Bichat for #TidyTuesday during the week of February 11th, 2020.

Data Preparation and Cleaning

The first step is to import the main libraries that we will use for this project.

In [ ]:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)

Now, we download the dataset to use it as a pandas dataframe.

In [ ]:

url = ''
df = pd.read_csv(url)

We check how many rows has the dataset

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:


Very good! now we know that our dataset has 119390 rows.

Now lets check how many cells are missing from our dataset.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

hotel                                  0
is_canceled                            0
lead_time                              0
arrival_date_year                      0
arrival_date_month                     0
arrival_date_week_number               0
arrival_date_day_of_month              0
stays_in_weekend_nights                0
stays_in_week_nights                   0
adults                                 0
children                               4
babies                                 0
meal                                   0
country                              488
market_segment                         0
distribution_channel                   0
is_repeated_guest                      0
previous_cancellations                 0
previous_bookings_not_canceled         0
reserved_room_type                     0
assigned_room_type                     0
booking_changes                        0
deposit_type                           0
agent                              16340
company                           112593
days_in_waiting_list                   0
customer_type                          0
adr                                    0
required_car_parking_spaces            0
total_of_special_requests              0
reservation_status                     0
reservation_status_date                0
dtype: int64

We can see that we have 4 columns with missing values. Lets check these values as percentages.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

hotel                              0.000000
is_canceled                        0.000000
lead_time                          0.000000
arrival_date_year                  0.000000
arrival_date_month                 0.000000
arrival_date_week_number           0.000000
arrival_date_day_of_month          0.000000
stays_in_weekend_nights            0.000000
stays_in_week_nights               0.000000
adults                             0.000000
children                           0.003350
babies                             0.000000
meal                               0.000000
country                            0.408744
market_segment                     0.000000
distribution_channel               0.000000
is_repeated_guest                  0.000000
previous_cancellations             0.000000
previous_bookings_not_canceled     0.000000
reserved_room_type                 0.000000
assigned_room_type                 0.000000
booking_changes                    0.000000
deposit_type                       0.000000
agent                             13.686238
company                           94.306893
days_in_waiting_list               0.000000
customer_type                      0.000000
adr                                0.000000
required_car_parking_spaces        0.000000
total_of_special_requests          0.000000
reservation_status                 0.000000
reservation_status_date            0.000000
dtype: float64

The columns “agent” and “company” have a high percentage of missing values. As these columns won’t be relevant for our analysis, we can delete them.

In [ ]:

df=df.drop(['agent','company'],axis=1) # We delete agent and company columns

The columns “children” and “country” have a low percentage of missing values. We will remove the full row on missing cells.

In [ ]:

df = df.dropna(axis = 0) # We delete rows with empty cells

Now we will drop the days_in_waiting_list column because we won’t use it for this analysis

In [ ]:

df = df.drop(labels='days_in_waiting_list', axis=1) # We delete days_in_waiting_list column

Lets check again the missing values.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

hotel                             0
is_canceled                       0
lead_time                         0
arrival_date_year                 0
arrival_date_month                0
arrival_date_week_number          0
arrival_date_day_of_month         0
stays_in_weekend_nights           0
stays_in_week_nights              0
adults                            0
children                          0
babies                            0
meal                              0
country                           0
market_segment                    0
distribution_channel              0
is_repeated_guest                 0
previous_cancellations            0
previous_bookings_not_canceled    0
reserved_room_type                0
assigned_room_type                0
booking_changes                   0
deposit_type                      0
customer_type                     0
adr                               0
required_car_parking_spaces       0
total_of_special_requests         0
reservation_status                0
reservation_status_date           0
dtype: int64

Perfect! now we don’t have any missing value.

Lets give a closer look to what we have.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:


Here we can see some outliers.

Lets build boxplots to see it better.

In [ ]:

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

columns = ['lead_time', 'stays_in_weekend_nights', 'stays_in_week_nights', 'adults', 'children', 'babies', 'required_car_parking_spaces', 'adr', 'previous_cancellations', 'previous_bookings_not_canceled', 'booking_changes']
n = 1

for column in columns:
  n = n+1
  sns.boxplot( df[ column ] )

We remove the outliers by using conditionals to get and update these values.

In [ ]:

df.loc[df.lead_time > 500, 'lead_time'] = 500
df.loc[df.stays_in_weekend_nights >=  5, 'stays_in_weekend_nights'] = 5
df.loc[df.adults > 4, 'adults'] = 4
df.loc[df.previous_bookings_not_canceled > 0, 'previous_bookings_not_canceled'] = 1
df.loc[df.previous_cancellations > 0, 'previous_cancellations'] = 1
df.loc[df.stays_in_week_nights > 10, 'stays_in_week_nights'] = 10
df.loc[df.booking_changes > 5, 'booking_changes'] = 5
df.loc[df.babies > 8, 'babies'] = 0
df.loc[df.required_car_parking_spaces > 5, 'required_car_parking_spaces'] = 0
df.loc[df.children > 8, 'children'] = 0
df.loc[df.adr > 1000, 'adr'] = 1000

We removed the outliers. Our data is clean now.

Exploratory Analysis and Visualization

In this section, we will explore the data to get insights about it.

Lets merge ‘children’ and ‘babies’ columns into ‘kids’ column.

Then, we set the string type to the corresponding columns.

In [ ]:

df['kids'] = df.children + df.babies

#Combine total mumbers by adding kids and adults
df['total_members'] = + df.adults
#convert the datatypes to string
df['arrival_date_year'] = df['arrival_date_year'].astype('str')
df['arrival_date_month'] = df['arrival_date_month'].astype('str')
df['arrival_date_day_of_month'] = df['arrival_date_day_of_month'].astype('str')
df['is_canceled'] = df['is_canceled'].astype('str')
df['is_repeated_guest'] = df['is_repeated_guest'].astype('str')

Lets convert arrival date to datetime

In [ ]:

df['arrival_date'] = df['arrival_date_day_of_month'] + '-' + df['arrival_date_month'] + '-' + df['arrival_date_year']
df['arrival_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['arrival_date'], errors='coerce')

A) Confirmed Bookings

Lets see how many confirmed bookings per month there are.

In [ ]:

import datetime as dt

confirmed_bookings = df[df.is_canceled=='0']

confirmed_bookings['arrival_date_month'] = df['arrival_date'].dt.month
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

Out[ ]:

1     4068
2     5317
3     6591
4     6533
5     7102
6     6393
7     7892
8     8618
9     6367
10    6867
11    4632
12    4365
Name: arrival_date_month, dtype: int64

The confirmed bookings goes from their lower value (4068) in january to their highest value (8618) in august.

B) Cancelled bookings

Now lets check the cancelled bookings.

In [ ]:

print('Total Bookings cancelled')
print('Cancelation percentage')
Total Bookings cancelled
0    74745
1    44153
Name: is_canceled, dtype: int64
Cancelation percentage
0    0.628648
1    0.371352
Name: is_canceled, dtype: float64

During the year, we have a 37.13% of cancelations.

Now lets plot this result.

In [ ]:


#Canceled=1, Not canceled= 0
sns.countplot(df['is_canceled'], palette='husl')

C) Country

Here we will check the country of origin. Categories are represented in the ISO 3155–3:2013 format.

In [ ]:

Out[ ]:

PRT    0.408636
GBR    0.102012
FRA    0.087596
ESP    0.072062
DEU    0.061288
NCL    0.000008
MMR    0.000008
CYM    0.000008
MRT    0.000008
SDN    0.000008
Name: country, Length: 177, dtype: float64

D) Month

Now lets check the arrival date by months.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

August       0.116503
July         0.106209
May          0.099068
October      0.093315
April        0.092895
June         0.091902
September    0.088033
March        0.081911
February     0.067385
November     0.056788
December     0.056586
January      0.049404
Name: arrival_date_month, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['arrival_date_month'], palette='husl')

E) Market Segment

Lets check the Market segment designation. In categories, the term “TA” means “Travel Agents” and “TO” means “Tour Operators”.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

Online TA        0.474373
Offline TA/TO    0.203199
Groups           0.166580
Direct           0.104695
Corporate        0.042986
Complementary    0.006173
Aviation         0.001993
Name: market_segment, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['market_segment'], palette='husl')

F) Year

Year of arrival date.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

2016    0.474651
2017    0.341503
2015    0.183847
Name: arrival_date_year, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['arrival_date_year'], palette='husl')

G) Meal

Type of meal booked. Categories are presented in standard hospitality meal packages:

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

BB           0.772620
HB           0.121398
SC           0.089472
Undefined    0.009798
FB           0.006712
Name: meal, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['meal'], palette='husl')

H) Customer Type

Type of booking, assuming one of four categories:

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

Transient          0.750004
Transient-Party    0.210920
Contract           0.034281
Group              0.004794
Name: customer_type, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['customer_type'], palette='husl')

I) Reserved Room type

Code of room type reserved. Code is presented instead of designation for anonymity reasons.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

A    0.719953
D    0.161256
E    0.054643
F    0.024307
G    0.017519
B    0.009369
C    0.007830
H    0.005055
L    0.000050
P    0.000017
Name: reserved_room_type, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['reserved_room_type'], palette='husl')

J) Assigned Room type

Code for the type of room assigned to the booking. Sometimes the assigned room type differs from the reserved room type due to hotel operation reasons (e.g. overbooking) or by customer request. Code is presented instead of designation for anonymity reasons.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

A    0.621230
D    0.211660
E    0.065081
F    0.031388
G    0.021354
C    0.019798
B    0.018158
H    0.005955
I    0.003003
K    0.002347
P    0.000017
L    0.000008
Name: assigned_room_type, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['assigned_room_type'], palette='husl')

K) Booking Changes

Number of changes/amendments made to the booking from the moment the booking was entered on the PMS until the moment of check-in or cancellation.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

0    0.848643
1    0.106301
2    0.031876
3    0.007780
4    0.003154
5    0.002246
Name: booking_changes, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['booking_changes'], palette='husl')

l) Distribution Channel

Booking distribution channel. The term “TA” means “Travel Agents” and “TO” means “Tour Operators”.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

TA/TO        0.821965
Direct       0.121810
Corporate    0.054593
GDS          0.001623
Undefined    0.000008
Name: distribution_channel, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['distribution_channel'], palette='husl')

M) Repeated Guest

Check if the booking name was from a repeated guest.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

0    0.967989
1    0.032011
Name: is_repeated_guest, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['is_repeated_guest'], palette='husl')

N) Deposit Type

Indication on if the customer made a deposit to guarantee the booking. This variable can assume three categories:

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

No Deposit    0.876070
Non Refund    0.122567
Refundable    0.001363
Name: deposit_type, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['deposit_type'], palette='husl')

O) Required Car Parking Spaces

Number of car parking spaces required by the customer.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

0    0.938536
1    0.061204
2    0.000235
3    0.000025
Name: required_car_parking_spaces, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['required_car_parking_spaces'], palette='husl')

P) Total Members

Total members per reservation.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

2.0    0.688674
1.0    0.187472
3.0    0.088134
4.0    0.033154
0.0    0.001430
5.0    0.001135
Name: total_members, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['total_members'], palette='husl')

Q) Reservation Status

Reservation last status, assuming one of three categories:

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

Check-Out    0.628648
Canceled     0.361234
No-Show      0.010118
Name: reservation_status, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['reservation_status'], palette='husl')

R) Hotel Type

Lets see the proportion of reservations between hotel types.

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

City Hotel      0.666975
Resort Hotel    0.333025
Name: hotel, dtype: float64

In [ ]:

sns.countplot(df['hotel'], palette='husl')

S) Relation between prices and month

In [ ]:


# Calculating average daily rate per person
df['adr_pp'] = df['adr'] / (df['adults'] + df['children']) 
actual_guests = df.loc[df["is_canceled"] == '0']
actual_guests['price'] = actual_guests['adr'] * (actual_guests['stays_in_weekend_nights'] + actual_guests['stays_in_week_nights'])
sns.lineplot(data = actual_guests, x = 'arrival_date_month', y = 'price', hue = 'hotel')
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

Here, we can see prices for resort hotels are higher and fluctuate more than city hotels.


In [ ]:

sns.lineplot(x='arrival_date_month', y='adr', hue='hotel', data= df)

For resort hotels, the average daily rate is more expensive during august, july and september.

For city hotels, the average daily rate is more expensive during august, july, june and may.

Asking and Answering Questions

Now we will ask and answer some interesting questions about the data.

  1. Which are the three most common and uncommon countries of origin?

In [ ]:

print('Most common countries:')
print('\n Most uncommon countries:')
Most common countries:
PRT    48586
GBR    12129
FRA    10415
Name: country, dtype: int64

 Most uncommon countries:
MWI    2
COM    2
SYC    2
MYT    2
TGO    2
MDG    1
DMA    1
MLI    1
GUY    1
PLW    1
KIR    1
PYF    1
LCA    1
BHS    1
FJI    1
NAM    1
UMI    1
NIC    1
DJI    1
NPL    1
BDI    1
BWA    1
VGB    1
SLE    1
BFA    1
SMR    1
AIA    1
ATF    1
ASM    1
HND    1
NCL    1
MMR    1
CYM    1
MRT    1
SDN    1
Name: country, dtype: int64

As we can see, Portugal tops the list with 48,586 of the cases, followed by Great Britain with 12,129 and France with 10,415.

There are 30 countries that can be considered as the most uncommon country of origin, with 1 guest per country. Among these, we have Madagascar, Dominica, Mali, Guyana, Palau, Kiribati, Sudan, etc.

  1. which are the months of highest and least occupation?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

August       0.116503
July         0.106209
May          0.099068
October      0.093315
April        0.092895
June         0.091902
September    0.088033
March        0.081911
February     0.067385
November     0.056788
December     0.056586
January      0.049404
Name: arrival_date_month, dtype: float64

The month of highest occupation is august with 11.65% of the reservations. The month of lest occupation is january with 4.94% of the reservations.

  1. What is the most popular meal package?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

BB           0.772620
HB           0.121398
SC           0.089472
Undefined    0.009798
FB           0.006712
Name: meal, dtype: float64

The Bed & Breakfast option is the most popular, with a frequency of 77.26%.

  1. Which is the most reserved room type?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

A    0.719953
D    0.161256
E    0.054643
F    0.024307
G    0.017519
B    0.009369
C    0.007830
H    0.005055
L    0.000050
P    0.000017
Name: reserved_room_type, dtype: float64

The “A” room type is the most popular among the clients, with 71.99% of the reservations.

  1. How many bookings changes have been done during the studied period?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:


There were 25,829 registered changes in the bookings during this period.

  1. How many people have been registered in the hotel?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:


233,934 people have been registered in the hotel.

  1. How many car parking spaces have been used?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:


7,342 car parking spaces have been used.

  1. What is the most common customer type?

In [ ]:


Out[ ]:

Transient          0.750004
Transient-Party    0.210920
Contract           0.034281
Group              0.004794
Name: customer_type, dtype: float64

Trasients are the most common customer type, they represent 75% of the total customers.

Inferences and Conclusion


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